As you are aware Currie and Shirley Phillips have been key leaders in the special ministry at the Woodland Beach Community Church and have been the main pastoral contacts for many of you.

It is with mixed and powerful feelings that we let you know that the Currie and Shirley have recently moved to southwestern Ontario and are now living in Ingersoll where they are closer to their family. Currie is staying on as a member of the Board of Trustees as we work through this period of transition and he and Shirley will make an effort to be back occasionally during the summer.

Each year Currie organized the speakers schedule for the spring, summer, and fall seasons. He has generally been the leader at our Sunday services, warmly greeting you by name as you arrive, opening the service with a prayer, introducing the speakers and musicians, offering your personal prayer requests, and concluding the service in prayer. We will miss his very personal touch and the enthusiastic spiritual joy and deep faith that he brought to his pastoral ministry.

As Treasurer on the Board Currie does all the recording and receipting of donations and has encouraged our sponsoring each year of a child in Colombia and our contribution to curing victims of leprosy.

He and Shirley always arrived early to open the church and to ensure that everything was ready, including the welcoming table, the coffee, and access to the portable washroom. Shirley often prepared snacks when there wasn’t a volunteer on the snack list and, when needed, she would take younger children outside for their own appropriate spiritual activity.

Together Currie and Shirley have been a wonderful gift and blessing in their ministry to our congregation. We will greatly miss them. We will be preparing a thank-you card and will have it in the church for the first few services this spring for you to sign and to express your personal appreciation. If you prefer to bring your own card or note we will happily include it with the card we send to Currie and Shirley. Please continue to hold them in your prayers as they determine new direction for their ministry in Ingersoll. We know they will continue to shine the Light of Jesus in their lives in an impressive and inspiring way.

In the meantime Currie continues to work with us as we adapt and move forward with our commitment to continue the Woodland Beach Community Church ministry now in its ninety-seventh year.

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